Sidley WI

GEOFFREY Corin's talk was entitled 'Wow! That tasted good!'

The talk was very good too! He told of his experiences as a restaurateur, mainly based in a village near Alfriston. This was a highlighted grand finale for Sidley WI. Sadly, it was also our suspension meeting. As we had no volunteers willing to fill the treasurer vacancy we have had to close our WI.

Heather Hyrapiet, WI advisor, explained the procedures whereby all important WI material and balance remaining in the bank would be held at WI HQ for three years in case Sidley re-formed, when it would all be returned to the institute.

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President Ivy Gallagher thanked Heather Hyrapiet for her support, and Dorothy Pope, chairman of ESFWI, for her help with the financial problems.

Thanks were also given to Judy Stovell who had been secretary for the past eight years. Members presented plants to the president and secretary which were much appreciated. It will be hoped that Sidley members will be reunited sometime in the future.

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