Rother District Council is gambling with Bexhill's council tax

From: Jeremy Lovegrove, Landsdowne Way, Bexhill

Your lead article in last Friday’s Bexhill-on-Sea Observer which highlighted that significant losses had arisen from the Conservative dominated Rother District Council’s venture into catering at the Colonnade, could not have been better timed, since it coincided with the week dedicated to ‘responsible gambling’.

The council was aware that the commercial sector could not be enticed, never mind that there needed to be significant expense arising from the attempt to prevent the ingress of ground water together with the belated recognition of the need to provide a gas supply. Significant factors seemingly which failed to register.

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As a result Mr Maynard and his band of “toothless Conservative cohorts” have gambled away our Council Tax.

Furthermore, with elections around the corner, there appears to be an initiative to return Gullivers to a venue for sport/a social hub. Had the council taken the initiative at the time the previous incumbents went into receivership, I suggest, the monies then required would have been less than the loss/costs identified above.

If ever there was evidence that Bexhill-on-Sea has a need for a Town Council, surely this is it.