LETTER: Business first and people last

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Land use planning is a very important issue for noise impact management atairports. Under the old Planning Policy Guidance 24, the noise threshold for

allowing the development of new homes was the 57dBA contour.

It is important for a clear threshold to be set in order to prevent the encroachment of noise sensitive developments around airports.

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However over several years this guidance has not been strictly adhered to and developments have been allowed to progress in noise sensitive areas.

Liberty UK (whose parent company is based in the USA) and Horsham District Council’s gang of four councillors, Ray Dawe, Claire Vickers, Helena Croft and Jim Rae, must have taken into their planning considerations the likely impact upon residents in the new houses from the likely construction of the second runway.

But I could not find any mention of this either in Liberty’s glossy brochure or in all the numerous pieces written in this newspaper by councillors Dawe, Vickers, Croft and Rae. Perhaps Cllr Ray Dawe would use one of his fortnightly columns to inform us.

Residents in Warnham are already up in arms about aircraft noise following secret trials of flights south of historic routes.

Welcome to a world where it’s business first and people last.


Havengate, Horsham