Turbulent history of the 'jewel in Bognor's crown' now in book

A relative of a former owner of one of the most recognisable buildings in Bognor Regis has put its turbulent history into print.

Sue Kidd spent years delving into the past of the Royal Norfolk Hotel.

The building is an iconic structure along the western end of Bognor's seafront. Mrs Kidd has called it a jewel in Bognor's crown.

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But its grade II listed white facade behind extensive front lawns belie a past packed with incidents and threats to its survival.

Mrs Kidd (61), of Westminster Drive, Aldwick, explained how she came to write the most extensive history about the hotel since it was opened in the summer of 1836.

"I had been researching my family history for about 15 years. Many years ago, I discovered that one of my ancestors, John Naldrett, was the proprietor of the hotel from 1855 until his untimely death in 1862. His widow, Phillis, took over the running of the hotel but sadly committed suicide in 1871," she said.

"Their son, John Trigg Naldrett, took over as proprietor during which time he married Elizabeth Caroline Bramwell, the daughter of Algneron and Caroline Bramwell, of the Sussex Hotel in Bognor.

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"After researching the Naldretts' time as proprietors, I then decided to look into the history of the hotel in some depth."

Observer local history writer Sylvia Endacott encouraged Mrs Kidd to turn her research over many years into a book.

The result is 90 pages of in-depth information about the hotel and its role in Bognor's status as a holiday resort.

Mrs Kidd's book also, alarmingly, details the several attempts to demolish the hotel and replace it with flats or other developments.

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Mrs Kidd said she hoped no such future fate awaited the hotel of more than 40 bedrooms to see it lost from its central role in Bognor's supply of holiday accommodation.

She states in her book: "I hope that this elegant hotel continues to grace the seafront at Bognor Regis well into the future. It must not be allowed to fall into disrepair, only to be replaced by more hideous blocks of flats."

Copies of her book '“ priced 9.99 each '“ are available from Mrs Kidd at 5 Westminster Drive, Aldwick, PO21 3RA, telephone 01243 820691 or at email at bognorsjewel@hotmail.co.uk.

They can also be bought from Rose Green Art and Craft Centre, Rose Green Road, Aldwick; Unique Promotions, The Arcade, Bognor Regis; and the West Sussex Record Office in Chichester.

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