Bexhill Club of Past Rotarians

We are sad to announce the death of Winifred Gurl and Eileen Keefe. Win's husband Charles has been a PR member since 1989 and was our transport officer for many years. Win and Charles were keen keyboard musicians and Win had worked for a music publisher in Tin Pan Alley in London. Eileen Keefe was a keen sportswoman, golf club captain and bridge player. She was ninety two and will be missed, especially by her great friend , Past Rotarian Les Goman, who has looked after her with great devotion.

Little Common Methodist Church was “filled to the brim’” when Past Rotarian the Reverend Paul Le Sueur conducted the PR President’s service.

President Jim Thompson read the New Testament Lesson and PR David Wallis read the OT lesson. The PR visitors and the regular congregation all enjoyed a lively hour and the traditional socialising after the service. One could say - if it does not sound too irreverent - that “a good time was had by all”.

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At our October meeting we were stimulated by talks from three speakers, led by Tony Campbell, retired principal of St Richard’s College. Much is going on in the wide field of education in Bexhill’ that we are not aware of. Tony Campbell, Mike Conn (Bexhill High), primary heads and others have established a structure - a Consortium - aimed at raising not just school standards, but improving education in a wider sense. The concept was encapsulated in the phrase “ownership of education all the way through”. They have established and are developing various action and consultation groups. The scope is wide, including not just specific education matters, and special needs, but liaison with many bodies whose work impinges on social activities as well. Voluntary help is often wanted too. This is a large and complex set of issues that does not attract news headlines: but success in these endeavours will bring benefit to society in the Bexhill area.