Lewes History Talk: Recording Our Past with the Portable Antiquities Scheme

Medieval reliquaryMedieval reliquary
Medieval reliquary
On 15 May, Lewes History Group welcomes Jane Clark, the Sussex Finds Liaison Officer, who will tell us about the important role of the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) and the Treasure Act 1996.

She’ll also explore some of the amazing archaeological objects and treasures found around Lewes by the public.

The PAS records local archaeological objects and the Act secures treasure cases for our local museums.

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Her talk will explore a selection of local items discovered by members of the public (predominantly metal detectorists), and which are recorded through the Scheme. They range from the Neolithic through to the Post-Medieval periods.

Jane will also look at some local treasure cases, including the spectacular Bronze Age Hoard found near Lewes, which will be examined in some detail.

Doors open 7pm for 7.30 start at Kings Church, Brooks Rd, BN7 2BYEveryone needs to book ticketsource.co.uk/lhgMembers free, Non-members £4More at leweshistory.org.uk/meetings

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