Rowland Singers' Christmas concerts in Worthing

The Rowland Singers Choir (contributed pic)The Rowland Singers Choir (contributed pic)
The Rowland Singers Choir (contributed pic)
Worthing’s Rowland Singers Choir will be singing three Christmas celebration concerts in December.

They are inviting you to join them on Sunday, December 10 at 3pm at Emmanuel Church, St Michael’s Road Worthing, with guests The Emery Ensemble; on Wednesday, December 13 at 7.30pm at Goring URC, Barrington Road Goring, with guests The Emery Ensemble; and Saturday, December 16 at 2.30pm at The Assembly Hall, Stoke Abbott Road Worthing, with guests The Southdowns Concert Band. Tickets on

In the meantime, they are continuing their support for charity, as spokeswoman Jan Summers explains: “Each year, The Rowland Singers Choir raises money for a dedicated charity. During 2022-2023 the choir chose the local homeless charity, Turning Tides, as its chosen charity. The choir held concerts at Christmas, Easter and in the summer, when Sue Harris, a representative from Turning Tides, gave a short presentation explaining the valuable work done by this local organisation. Raffles were held and bucket collections produced very generous donations. The choir raised the magnificent sum of £2,500. The funds will help the increasing number of people needing Turning Tides help. For example, in 2021-2022 the mid-Sussex outreach team supported 62 people. This rose to 103 people in 2022-2023 – a staggering 66 per cent increase. The community hub in Littlehampton saw 122 people in 2021-2022. In 2022-2023 they saw 194 people – a 59 per cent increase.”

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