
Thanks: A huge thank-you from the pre-school to one of the parents for choosing it as a preferred charity and donating a very generous cheque and also for the £80 raised be supporting the pre-school hamper raffle. This will all go toward improving the garden for the little people.

PCSO: If anyone would like to talk to our police community support officer Demetrius Georghiou, his mobile number is 07788 565576 or call 101 and ask for extension 65202. Parish News: What a good start for the new-look Ewhurst and Bodiam parish news. As I have said in the past, sometimes church people do not look very happy but full marks to Peter Smith for his article. I liked the lighter side - the bit about eat well, keep fit and die anyway. Keep up the good work Peter, but more of it. As the editor said, the parish news relies on the input and enthusiasm of our community. so please keep the articles and news coming. Send items to Liz Moore, Meadow Cottage, Rye Road, Hawkhurst, Kent, TN 18 50W. The parish news subscription is now due. It costs £5/£12 and should be posted. Bodiam parish subscribers should return the form to and payment to their distributor.

Parish meeting: The date for the next parish council meeting is February 23 at 7pm and the Parish Assembly is on March 26 at 7pm for 7.30pm at Bodiam Primary School. Refreshments will be available from 7pm so do not have any food before you come. More news soon on the Assembly. The meeting is open to all electors of Bodiam. Please come and find out what has been happening in the parish and put your views and concerns forward to your very good parish council.

Geoffrey Goodsell

13 Levetts Lane

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